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U.N. Condemns Harassment in Honduras
Votes: 66 | Average Rating: 10 | Average Rating: 10

Date: September 28, 2009 | Time: 10:33:42 Hrs.| Views: 3244
Category: Coups d'état
Duration: 1:53 Min.

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Stalemate in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa.

The Brazilian embassy has been surrounded by hundreds of troops since the deposed President Manuel Zelaya took refuge here.

Zelaya has been holed up inside with his family and around 40 supporters for six days. He's accused police of using toxic gases to poison them, causing headaches and nose bleeds.

The U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice condemned the interim government, which took power in a military coup.

[Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the U.N.]:
"They condemned acts of intimidation against the Brazilian embassy and called upon the de facto government of Honduras to cease harassing the Brazilian embassy and provide all necessary utilities and services, including water, electricity, food and continuity of communications."

Zelaya slipped back into Honduras almost three months after being flown out at gunpoint, still in his pyjamas.

Central America's worst political crisis in years flared when Zelaya's opponents accused him of seeking to change the constitution so he could be president for another term.

The de facto government says Zelaya must face criminal charges while he insists he must be restored to power.

Brazil says the deposed president can stay at the embassy as long as needed.

The chances of either side backing down appear slim and violence could escalate if protests in favor of Zelaya's return continue to grow.

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