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Anonymous On a Warpath With Zetas Drug Cartel After Kidnapping Of Group Member
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By: Gizmodo
Date: November 1, 2011 | Time: 12:28:05 Hrs.| Views: 3427
Duration: 1:55 Min.

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"Anonymous" amenaza con publicar los nombres de los colaboradores (taxistas, policias, periodistas, politicos, etc.) si este grupo de "narcos no liberan al miembro de Anonymous secuestrado el pasado fin de semana en Verazcruz lo cual tambien nos hace preguntar, si Anonymous tiene la lista que se ha robado de una base de datos en alguna(s) computadoras, ¿seria posible que el Gobierno no las tenga?

Y si no las tiene ¿a quién se las pide?

Y si las tiene, ¿cómo es que no las ha usado?

Ah… tantas preguntas, tan pocas respuestas..

After successfully taking out a child porn ring, Anonymous is threatening war on November 5th with Mexico's Zetas drug cartel, after the kidnapping of an Anonymous member from Veracruz.

The video states that if the Mexican drug cartel doesn't free the kidnapped Anonymous member unharmed, the hacking group will release the names, addresses and photos of taxi drivers, journalists and police officers on the payroll of the criminal gang. The video ends with an ultimatum that simply states that they "will always remember this coming November 5th".

Taking out a child porn ring was one very good thing, but challenging serious and violent organised crime is another entirely. Whatever happens November 5th, it'll be an interesting day to watch from the sidelines.

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