Andrés Spokoiny is a Jewish Argentinean, who lives today in Montreal, Canada, and who is president of the Federation Canadian Jewish Agency (Federation CJA). He has trained many leaders in Jewish communities and some year ago he wrote an excellent essay in which, describing an old miners custom,-and LADDO's main point of view- he explains the scam used by the so-called new left and by the most brutal anti-Semitism, disguised as progressive. This is an essay still relevant today.
He starts by saying -and I’ll make many direct quotes- that: “In the old times, miners used to have an infallible technique to protect themselves in the depth of the rock: canaries.”
“The little birds, more sensitive than humans to the lack of oxygen and to toxic gases, would die first if a poisonous gas would be released in the mine or if too much carbon monoxide would accumulate. If the miners saw the canaries choking, they knew it was time to abandon the mine without delay. The little bird was their ‘early warning sign; it was the first victim of something that would end up killing everybody.”
Then, Spokoiny tells the story of an old men he met in the former Yugoslavia, in a town by the name of Skopje. This old man, who had survived many wars, told him: “When Jews are being persecuted - He said from his toothless mouth - or when they run away, it’s time to pack up and leave”.
And this student of the history and the suffering of the People of Israel continues saying: “The old Macedonian man was right. Very often in history, Jews were the canaries of the world. As a minority and as a vulnerable element of the society, Jews were always the first target of the movements that seek destruction and dehumanization.”
“In the coward England of the “appeasement”, Winston Churchill denounced the real character of Nazi Germany. A regime that starts by persecuting the Jews -reasoned the statesman- sooner or later it will threaten the life and the liberty of everybody.”
“The moral fiber of the world is tested: if Jews can be persecuted or killed with impunity -think the tyrants- then we can move to the next target. All the totalitarian regimes of our times - Nazism, Stalinism, Right and Left - had the Jews as their first and preferred target. They were, in a way, the guinea pigs of their murderous fury. All of them ended up causing millions of deaths from all nations and creeds.”
“If the gas kills the canary, sooner or later it’ll kill the miner.”
“And this is precisely what is happening today with Islamic Fundamentalism. Integrism is a new totalitarianism that menaces Western Societies. Under a tarnish of religious concepts, fundamentalism is a totalitarian and fascist political doctrine.”
“Israel and the Jews are its first target, and thanks to the world’s indifference, now the venom spreads around the world like a murderous epidemic.”
And if I have taken the writings of Andres Spokoiny for this commentary it has been for no other reason than to clarify the reality we are living today, where those organizations of the so-called “new left” have joined criminal guerillas and terrorist Islamic groups and, with the story that they are not anti-Semitic but “anti-Sionist”, they are spreading calmly and efficiently their hate towards the Jewish nation; which, within their plans of expansion and dominance, ends up being again the most convenient scape goat.
Precisely in the last few days, when the horrible image of a Hugo Chávez cursing Israel is being frequently remembered, it becomes pertinent to analyze that such unfortunate event did not happen by chance. It was simply part of that discourse and that intention of the wrongly called new left; that, again, has nothing of “new” and it is quite stalinist and brutal. That exclamation from Chavez was not isolated; it is the discourse, the
constant message, in that communications media monopoly that was established, not just in Venezuela, but also in a great part of the continent and that, as Spokoiny said well: “The demonization of Israel in the media was an important factor in stirring hatred and prejudice.”
This journalistic essay from Andrés Spokoiny, which I encourage you to search in the Internet and to read, is an invaluable text. It is as lengthy as a delicate and sensitive subject like this demands; a subject that represents very well a voice of alert to a world where foolishness and hypocrisy are the daily bread. The time in the radio is limited, therefore I will only add that, like Spokoiny, I believe in the infinite stupidity of the western world, when it thinks that Islamic fundamentalists only want to destroy the State of Israel.
As a Venezuelan who is aware of the sinister Castro-Chavez project, harassing the Jewish community of this country, almost pushing out the staff of the Embassy of Israel, and cutting diplomatic relations is just the beginning of a plan to spread terror using the Jews -like so many other criminal tyrants [have done in the past]- to set an example of punishment.
Hugo Chávez and the rest of that horde that distills hatred and violence -like Spokoiny affirms that it occurs with many enemies of the Jewish people- doesn’t hate the Jewish people, he doesn’t hate Israel for strange motives, “....but because of what it is. Israel is hated for being a democratic and western oasis in a sea of dictatorships.
Let’s reflect and let’s not wait for the horror to react. To denounce and stop the evil that covers itself with the robes of ideologies, nationalisms and revolution is a task for today.