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Opinion and Analysis (Op-Ed)
South American & Mexican Hezbollah Jihadis Threaten the United States


Published in: - July 3, 2013


"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid" - Gen. Eisenhower.

The Iranians and their terrorist proxy Hezbollah has been building forward operating bases in the Tri-Border area of South America and Mexico for the last three decades. Venezuela's uranium deposits have been an important and rarely reported on component fueling Iran's efforts to win the hearts and minds of the people in Latin America and Mexico.

Iranian Press Expose the Hispanic Insurgency

Sending young Iranian clerics to Latin American countries to spread Iranian-style radical Shi'ite Islam: To prepare for such missions, clerics train for three years, and study a variety of subjects to help them in their activity in Latin America: Spanish, religions and cultures of Latin America, and skills for converting Spanish speakers to Islam. In February 2012 Hojjat-ol-Eslam Ruhollah Maheri, the deputy director of the institute, announced that registration was open for the eighth course. Those interested were asked to call the institute or send an application form by email ( ). (Rasa News Agency, 2/15/2012)(ITIC)

U.S. Congress Alerts The Nation

Congressman Michael McCaul, Chairman Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Management, in a 2012 report report titled, "A Line In The Sand: Countering Crime, Violence and Terror At The Southwest Border ", is alerting Americans to a very serious problem that we must all become aware.

Of growing concern are Hezbollah, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Quds Force, partnering with Mexican and South American drug syndicates, joining in lucrative drug, gun running, counterfeiting, and human trafficking operations. Out of these associations, Islamic terrorist groups are making hundreds of millions of dollars while exploiting our Mexican border and entering the United States at any time of their choosing, often cloaked as illegal immigrants.

Wikileaks Exposes U.S. Brazilian Counterterrorism Recommendations (2011)




E.O. 12958: DECL: 2019/11/20


SUBJECT: Scenesetter for SR Farah Pandith's Visit to Brazil: São Paulo's Muslims

REF: São PAULO 433 São PAULO 421 BRASILIA 709 2008 São PAULO 542

Classified By: David C. Brooks, State POL; Reason: 1.4 (d)

The U.S. government also wishes to develop relations between U.S. Muslim community leaders and the Muslim communities in Brazil. They hope that by fostering a connection they will "bolster mainstream Islam in Brazil, highlight the importance of freedom of religion in America, the diversity of Islam in America, and debunk the myths that exist about Islam in America." Additionally it would further the Sao Paulo Muslim community's effort to spread its "interfaith relations... with other Muslim communities around the World."

"Post, Karen Chandler, has suggested several possible programs, including a campaign to provide consular information to Muslim contacts, a series of outreach presentations on President Obama, and, most important, our desire to bring down a visiting U.S. Sheik who can explain how Islam is now a vital part of American society and build ties with local religious leaders. Given its size, diversity and traditions of cultural tolerance, Brazil could be an excellent testing ground for programs that might be useful to other WHA posts with similar Muslim minority populations."

Obama and State Department Arrogance and Idiocy Towards Political Islam

The United States is an Infidel nation, following man made laws, in direct violation of Islamic Law. For President Obama's Foreign Policy team to think we can "influence Hezbollah Islam in Brazil by promoting the diversity of Islam in America" as a force multiplier across the South America region to counter the Hezbollah power base in the tri-border area, is patently absurd and quite dangerous.

Our State Department articulates they will achieve this naive objective above by doing a "series of outreach presentations on President Obama and bringing down a U.S. Sheik to say how important Islam is to American Society."

The WikiLeaks memo above focuses a neon light on how utterly ignorant our State Department officials are about the Islamic Threat Doctrine, Hezbollah, Al-Queda, and the Muslim Brotherhood. American policy makers believe this mythical form of Infidel U.S. friendly Islam will out Islam the truer Islam of Iran is like the Keystone Cops giving tactical training to the Navy SEAL's.

Hezbollah is currently sending Jihadis through the porous Mexican / U.S. Border creating a national security risk which The Obama Administration refuses to name, much less address and counter.

Iran Cultivates South America for the last 30 years

The Islamic State of Iran has been spending Billions of dollars buying South American and Mexican influence over the last two to three decades. "According to the Department of State, Hezbollah, with Iran as its sponsor, is considered the "most technically capable terrorist group in the world" with "thousands of supporters, several thousand members, and a few hundred terrorist operatives."

HR 3783 suggests, "direct Iranian government support of Hezbollah activities in the Tri-Border Area of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Iran has built 17 cultural centers (Mosques) in Latin America, and it currently maintains 11 embassies, up from six in 2005." Iran has set up a forward operating base against American interests that should be on every Americans radar screen.

The Muslim population in the Latin America Tri-Border Area ranges from 20,000 to 30,000, comprising mostly of Lebanese located mainly in Foz do Iguacu and Ciudad del Este. Islamic extremist groups have been reported to have an interest in the area since the 1990s. It is believed that terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah, Hamas, al Qaeda, and Al-Jihad have a presence in the region [IDC Herzliya ].

Infiltration Through The Mexican Border

Many experts believe the Southwest border and Hezbollah presence in South America has become the most secure highway for terrorist infiltration in the United States. The Mexican border allows terrorists from Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, and The Muslim Brotherhood an anonymous illegal entry point inside the United States. Once inside the United States these Iranian backed terrorist cells are free to set up forward operating bases inside the United States, for both the short and longer term terrorist operations.

President Obama and his national security team believe cultural engagement with the Latin American Islamists is the proper course of action for the United States. A similar cultural engagement mindset is also being applied to the 11 Million Illegal Aliens inside our borders, many of whom could be Shia or Sunni terrorists.

According to the Daily Caller, " At least five Democrats are bringing illegal immigrants to the State of the Union. First lady Michelle Obama is hosting Alan Aleman, a 20-year-old illegal immigrant from Nevada as one of her guests. (source )

It is shameful that illegal alien lawbreakers are granted access to our nations most powerful lawmakers during the Presidents State of the Union Address. It is a slap in the face of every legal American citizen who can only dream of having such political access.

Middle Eastern Terrorists Become Hispanic

It has been reported that Hezbollah terrorists are shaving their beards, learning Spanish, and obtaining illegal passports from South American countries with the help and support of Hugo Chavez.

In the next 10-15 years as the second and third generations of Iranian Hezbollah terrorist's become fluent in Spanish and English they will be in a prime position to game the United States immigration system and enter our country. Iranian terrorists will be able to hide in plain sight amongst the legal and illegal hispanic communities anywhere in the continental United States.

From a military point of view Iran is behaving exactly as they should by exploiting the United States greatest geographical weakness, the Mexican American border.

Largest Lebanese Population In The World

According to the Maronite Foundation, "there are over eight million immigrants and descendants in Brazil and Argentina alone, South America is home to the largest Lebanese population in the world." "With an estimated $12 billion a year in illegal commerce, the South American Tri Border Area is the center of the largest underground economy in the Western Hemisphere.

The BBC News reported on October 10, 2010, "The primary reason for Iran's increasing presence and influence in Latin America is based on its growing ideological and economic relationship with Venezuela. Ideologically speaking, both regimes share a mutual enmity of what they perceive as the imperialist agenda of the United States."

The Tri-Border area in South America is the devil's playground and paradise (Jannah) on earth for Islamist terrorists.

Iran's activities in Latin America and its readiness to carry out terrorist attacks on American soil (manifested by the attempted assassination in Washington of the Saudi Arabian ambassador) led Ambassador Noriega to the conclusion that "Tehran's activities near our homeland constitute a very real threat that can no longer be ignored." (ITIC emphasis) Despite with the grave assessments of the Iranian threat as expressed in a number of expert testimonies before Congress, certain members of the American administration are of the opinion that Iran's influence in Latin America is limited and that the United States can minimize it.

In our assessment, Iran and Hezbollah maintain cells in Venezuela which are potentially capable of carrying out terrorist activities. The close political and economic relations between Iran and Venezuela, and the regular Caracas-Tehran-Damascus airline flights, make it easy for Iran and Hezbollah to carry out terrorist activities - often combined with crime - in Venezuela. In all probability the activities are spearheaded by the Quds Force, with the support of Hezbollah and other Iranian bodies. In addition, Venezuela serves as a platform for Iran and Hezbollah's terrorist activities in other Latin American countries. (Meir Amit Intelligence andTerrorism Information Center )(ITIC)


When Hugo Chavez takes the celestial dirt nap his likely successor is Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Manduro. Will President Obama do what is necessary to protect United States national security interests originating from this tri border area?

Venezuelan uranium deposits, a lawless open South American highway through our porous Mexican border, billions of Iranian dollars flowing into the Tri Border Area, and amnesty for 11 million illegals in America is a potent cocktail of ingredients creating a national security threat to the United States of America.

When our Department of Homeland Security designates the Ft. Hood massacre of 13 soldiers killed 29 injured by a follower of Islam yelling Allahu Akbar as "Workplace Violence" we are in deep denial.

If President Obama, Democrats, and Republicans fail to identify our enemy by name how are we as a country supposed to defeat Hezbollah, Iran, drug cartels, human trafficking, and political Islam's destructive influence in the Tri Border Area and Mexico?

God Bless America and God Bless our Troops

Family Security Matters Contributing Editor Alan Kornman is the regional coordinator of The United West -Uniting Western Civilization for Freedom and Liberty. His email is:

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