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The Supreme Court of Mexico ordered freedom for French Florence Cassez

Published in: - January 23, 2013


The Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico has issued this Wednesday “immediate and absolute” freedom of French Florence Cassez, who was convicted in this country to 60 years in prison for kidnapping and other crimes, a case that caused tensions with France.

The decision was approved by a majority of votes by the first Chamber of the Court, who modified an original draft resolution calling for the return of the case to a criminal court for irregularities during the judicial process. That first draft resolution was rejected by four of the five judges of the Court, but, unexpectedly, when he had to speak to your rapporteur, judge Olga Sánchez Cordero changed the direction of amparo.

The modification consisted in that, instead of returning the case to a criminal court that he issued a new ruling, issuance simpliciter freedom of the processed, whereas irregularities in the process. In the final vote, three of the five judges voted in favour of this amendment to grant a “smooth and plain appeal” which involved putting Cassez released.

Cassez was detained on December 8, 2005 in the vicinity of a ranch located on the Mexico-Cuernavaca highway. The irregularities which occurred in this process include a recreation of his arrest, a day after the arrest, so television cameras could record it. There were also inconsistencies between the testimonies of some witnesses, according to the defense, and the detainee complained that it had not received consular assistance of France at the time established by law.

Cassez, girlfriend of the alleged leader of the band of the Zodiac, Israel Vallarta hijackers, was sentenced initially to 96 years in prison for kidnapping and exclusive possession of the army, among other charges. However, after a revision of the case, Justice downgraded him prison to 60 years, which today meets in a prison located in the South of the Mexican capital.

Cassez’s lawyer, Agustín Acosta, described as a “great victory” the decision taken by the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico, and hoped that “in the coming hours” his defended is released.

Hollande, satisfied with the decision

The President of France, François Hollande, expressed his satisfaction at the decision. “France is grateful to all those who, both in Mexico and in our country, they are committed to truth and justice prevail,” indicates the head of the State in a brief statement released by Elysee, headquarters of the gala Chair.

He pointed out that with this opinion “put end to a particularly painful period”, both for the family and Cassez environment for all those which, according to Hollande, mobilized in their favor.

The mother of Cassez, meanwhile, ensures that her daughter “has fought vigorously for their freedom”. In a restaurant located in the East of Paris, the mother of Florence Cassez thanked the “solidarity” of those who have supported the family in the seven years that his daughter has spent in prison in Mexico and said he is “absolutely fabulous that there has been that decision” judicial. “There has been suspense until the end. It is fabulous. I exploded with joy, I laugh, I cry,”confessed Charlotte Cassez.

“There are many bad memories, but I hope they disappear quickly,” said the mother, who revealed that, upon receiving the news in his home, she cried of joy before something that still cost you believe. He explained that has been able to speak even with his daughter and that he has not received any call from Mexico, but that of the President of France, François Hollande, who did know, stated, “to what extent was happy with the liberation” of Florence.

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