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Coups d'état
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December 28, 2010
Honduran authorities should take concrete steps to end impunity for abuses committed after the country's 2009 coup, and to curb ongoing attacks against journalists, human rights defenders, and political activists, Human Rights Watch said in a report released. The 65-page report, "After the Coup: Ongoing Violence, Intimidation, and Impunity in Honduras," documents the state's failure to ensure accountability for abuses committed under the country's de facto government in 2009. The...
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October 1, 2010
"But, forget it. I won't relent. If something happens to me, remember my infinite love for my country, and to my family I say that I will love them anywhere I end up." A video by CNN affiliate Ecuavisa later showed a defiant Correa standing at an upper floor window, shouting to a crowd of supporters who had gathered outside the hospital, "If they want me, here I am," and then ripping his necktie loose. Later, he told a television station by telephone from the hospital...
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By: Frank López Ballesteros
September 30, 2010
Eva Golinger via twitter said that Ecuadorian President Correa was attacked by police with Tear Gas. He has left the hospital and is back in the Presidential palace addressing the nation live on Telasur. Hundreds of police took over military barracks protesting Correa, CNN is falsely reporting thousands, airports are closed; He has the support of the military and people are rallying at the Pres Palace to support Correa. Notice the political analysts in this report: QUITO -(Dow Jones) -...
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September 10, 2010
There has a new surge in cases of harassment and censorship of journalists working for radio stations that have been outspoken in their criticism of the government since the June 2009 coup d’état. Radio Uno, an educational station in the northern city of San Pedro Sula that has repeatedly criticised the regime, was forced off the air by an act of sabotage on the night of 30 August. It has since been able to resume broadcasting amid much tension. Its staff has often been the...
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June 30, 2010
Amnesty International has accused the Honduran authorities of failing to address serious human rights violations that followed the coup d’etat of 28 June 2009, when ex-President Manuel Zelaya was forced from power. Since new president Porfirio Lobo took office in January, police and military officers responsible for mass arrests, beatings and torture in the wake of the coup have not been brought to justice. Meanwhile, concerns about freedom of expression increased, as seven...
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March 12, 2010
Honduran authorities should ensure that recent killings and other attacks on opponents of the 2009 coup are promptly and thoroughly investigated, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to Attorney General Luis Alberto Rubí. Human Rights Watch has received credible reports of multiple acts of violence over the past month targeting members of the National Popular Resistance Front (Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular), including killings, rape, torture, kidnapping, and assault....
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January 15, 2010
A Honduran judge on Thursday charged the country's top military commanders with abuse of power for exiling President Manuel Zelaya in June. Honduran Supreme Court President Jorge Rivera has ordered all six members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to remain in the country and testify in court next week. The charge carries a sentence of three to six years in prison. The military chiefs, who wore their dress uniforms, met with Rivera for six hours before the charges were announced late Thursday....
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December 14, 2009
Washington, DC - The proposal by Porfirio Lobo, winner of Honduras' disputed presidential election on November 29, 2009, for an "amnesty for all" of those involved in the June coup d'état violates the country's international obligations and undermines the rule of law, Human Rights Watch said today. The election was organized by the de facto government, and has been recognized only by the United States and four Latin American countries. The de facto government took over after...
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November 3, 2009
The restoration of constitutional order in Honduras should be accompanied by the immediate repeal of repressive decrees issued by the de facto government, and a full investigation of abuses committed in the aftermath of the coup, Human Rights Watch said today. The de facto government of Honduras and the deposed president, Manuel Zelaya, announced today that that they had struck a deal on the evening of October 29, 2009, to restore Zelaya to office. The exact terms of the accord are unknown. ...
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October 26, 2009
A nephew of interim President of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, was murdered and found in a wooded area of Choloma, relatives who recognized his remains said today. Roberto Micheletti’s nephew disappeared days ago, and yesterday his body was found next to another young man, near Choloma, according to the National Police spokesman, Orlin Cerrato. He said “the investigation will cover the total aspects necessary”. The body of Enzo Micheletti was recognized by his...
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