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Cada vez más latinos están abandonando su religión
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By: NiceIslam
Date: 30 de Julio de 2008 | Time: 10:50:47 Hrs.| Views: 2140

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Miles de hispanos están abandonando su fe católica y se refugian en el Islam.

Thousands Catholic Hispanics converted into islam after 9/11, because they wanted to meet the people who did this they went to where they pray (mosques) and that when they go there thay found them selves drawn to islam...

Hispanics leaving the Catholic Church and converting to Islam. They call it an "exodus." the number of hispanics Muslims from a Catholic background is growing rapidly. Some of the reasons for their coversion, are the respect towards women, the oneness of God, and the similarity between the Hispanic and the Muslim societies (family values).

Many latinos were starting to critize and questio the catholic church...

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