Organización Latinoamericana para la Defensa de la Democracia
Una organización asociada a CIEMPRE (Centro de Investigación y Estudio de Medios Periodísticos y redes Electrónicas)
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Indigenous women demand justice for rape by soldiers

Publicado en: - 19 de Abril de 2010


In 2002, in separate incidents, two indigenous women, Inés Fernández Ortega and Valentina Rosendo Cantú, were reportedly raped by soldiers. More than five years later, no one has been brought to justice. Both women have shown great courage in reporting their ordeals to the authorities: cultural, economic and social barriers deter many indigenous women in Mexico from seeking justice.

Lorenzo Fernández Ortega, a leading member of the Me Phaa Indigenous People’s Organization (Organización del Pueblo Indígena Me Phaa - OPIM) and brother of Inés Fernández Ortega, was kidnapped on 9 February and found dead the following day, in Ayutla de los Libres, Guerrero State. Other members of OPIM have also suffered threats and intimidation since the day of the kidnapping.

Amnesty International still believes that Inés Fernández Ortega, her husband Fortunato Prisciliano Sierra and leading Indigenous rights activist Obtilia Eugenia Manuel are at risk.

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