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Spain fears movement of ETA members to Venezuela
"ETA members who for some years hid in Mexico are trying to elude the police action and moving to Venezuela," the Spanish newspaper ABC reported in its Sunday edition

Publicado en: - 7 de Junio de 2010


In a paper entitled "ETA members emigrate to Venezuela," it is said that the Spanish government works to "suffocate" the terrorist group in Latin America.

"Therefore, they have deemed it strategic that representatives of the Interior in Caracas need to be experts in ETA terrorism. The Civil Guard has already sent a commander, who acts as attaché, while the Police has yet to appoint a commissioner who will act as counsel. Events such as the return of the historical gunman Lorenzo Ayestarán, detained in France along with Ibón Gogeaskoetxea, coming from Venezuela, have increased Spain's interest in extending the enquiries."

The counterterrorism experts consulted by ABC estimate that about 50 ETA members hid in Mexico, far below the 250 estimated in the mid nineties. While fitfully, the Mexican authorities have had an acceptable anti-terrorist cooperation with Spain.

"At this present time, the ETA members hid in Mexico do not want any surprise and consider they will be safer" in Venezuela. The newspaper also remembered that the ETA members residing in Venezuela and Uruguay have managed to make fruitful business.

"Some, like Arturo Cubillas (…) became an advisor to the (President Hugo) Chávez government."


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