Organización Latinoamericana para la Defensa de la Democracia
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Journalist starts hunger strike in Venezuelan prison
Journalist Leocenis García, who remains detained in the Tocuyito prison, started a hunger strike. He is requesting that Judge 20, Jesús Jiménez, refrains from hearing the case.

Por Alicia De La Rosa

Publicado en: - 1 de Julio de 2010


"From this moment, I start an indefinite hunger strike until Judge 20, Jesús Jiménez, refrains from hearing my case," Venezuelan journalist Leocenis García said in a SMS.

Last week, defense attorney Pedro Aranguren sought to disqualify Judge 20, but Judge Jiménez dismissed the case.

According to Aranguren, the decision on Jiménez was absurd, because the Court of the Appeals, a higher court, should be the institution that can declare null or not the disqualification of a judge.

Leocenis García has been in jail without trial for two years in Tocuyito prison, in the central city of Valencia.


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