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The Mirage 50EV donated by Venezuela to Ecuador, Grounded for logistical problems

Publicado en: - 9 de Julio de 2010


Six Fighters Dassault Mirage 50EV/DV ex-Venenzue in transferred to Ecuador in 2009 equipped with radar Cyrano IVM3 and valued at some $ 3 million, are grounded for maintenance difficulties.

Although to certify its use must be authorized by France, which had sold the lot to Venezuela as the last user, according to some sources, it appears that the aircraft are in a period of unemployment logistical motivated by the fact that different hydraulic components are in very poor condition. Specifically, the rocket ejector seat Martin Baker MK -7 have expired, and its lining and missiles AM39 Exocet.

On the other hand, some elements of the avionics would have very few parts, and seems to be producing a lack of availability in the market, together with other components.

The same sources confirmed that prior to a semester off might eventually reactivate them, if they meet the most optimistic expectations regarding the future supply of spare parts.

After removal of the Mirage F1,The Kfir and Cheetah, The Mirage 50EV/DV now constitute the main fighters for combating the Ecuadorian Air Force, which, in relation to aircraft counter-insurgency (COIN ), to reduce their purchases of Super Tucano 24 to 16.

Mirage finally recover these 50, for its ability to radar and missiles, would be assigned a role in the field of Naval Aviation.


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