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Colombia calls for international taskforce to ascertain guerrilla presence in Venezuela
The Colombian envoy to the OAS demanded Venezuelan authorities to hand over "criminals"

22 de Julio de 2010


Luis Alfonso Hoyos, Colombia's ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS)," in an extraordinary session of the OAS held in Washington on Thursday said that Venezuela "always insults us and says that we are criminals. We can do much more together than we can do apart or as accomplices of those who kidnap, kill and destroy," Colombian newspaper El Tiempo quoted Hoyos.

The Colombian diplomat showed a map with the alleged location of several guerrilla camps in Venezuela, including the relevant coordinates. Hoyos highlighted that "if these areas were located in Colombia we would have deployed (our troops) there by now, he said.

On behalf of his country, the Colombian ambassador urged the OAS to appoint an international taskforce to ascertain the presence of FARC rebels in Venezuela. He demanded Venezuelan authorities to hand over "the criminals."

"If there is only a small school and humble peasants (in the area set in the coordinates), (we suppose) they will have no problem to accept that an international taskforce ascertains whether Colombian complaints are false," Hoyos said.
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