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Colombia rules out movement of troops to the border with Venezuela

Publicado en: - 23 de Julio de 2010


The Colombian government ruled out on Thursday any deployment of troops on the Venezuelan border as a result of Venezuela's decision to break diplomatic relations.

The move on severing ties was announced by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez after rejecting a complaint filed by Bogotá at the Organization of American States (OAS) with regard to the alleged presence of Colombian guerrilla members in Venezuelan territory, DPA reported.

Caracas' decision was made known to Colombian President Álvaro Uribe during a meeting with leaders of the coffee association in a Bogotá club.

According to César Mauricio Velásquez, the Press Secretary at the Colombian presidential palace, Uribe is not to issue an opinion right now; instead, the Colombian representative at the OAS will be the spokesman.


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