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Ahmadinejad Praises Chavez for Supporting Iran

Publicado en: - 18 de Agosto de 2010


As part of the ongoing diplomatic relation and alliance between Iran and Venezuela, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad praised his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez for his stance regarding the recent UN Security Council sanctions on Tehran.

In the letter of gratitude he sent to Chavez, Ahmadinejad said, "Unfortunately, the UN Security Council and on top of it the US and its Western allies do not countenance the success and progress of independent countries and nations, and use every excuse to put obstacles in the way of their progress".

In order to prove its goodwill and peacefulness of its nuclear program, Iran issued the Tehran nuclear delegation, yet due to US and western pressure, the UNSC approved imposing sanctions.

According to the Iranian President, "The UN Security Council showed its illegality by issuing the resolution to the world".

Mahmoud Hmadinejad considered that this came at a time when "Israel" is imposing a siege over Gaza and its people, preventing any international humanitarian aid access.


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