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Fox News says that Venezuela cancels route to Iran and Syria

Publicado en: - 16 de Septiembre de 2010


Fox News said that messages to the airline seeking further information went unanswered (File photo)

“I am sorry, but we are no longer flying to Tehran and I do not know when the flights will resume,” would have said an official of the state-run airline Conviasa, according to the US TV station. The official who handles international departures was contacted by producers of Fox News who told her that they wanted to buy a ticket. Venezuela’s embassy in the United States has dismissed hints made by the Department of State on the nature of flights.

An air agreement signed by Venezuela, Syria and Iran "has been abruptly cancelled," reported Fox News on its website.

According to the US TV network, Venezuela cancelled the flight "amid accusations that it was used primarily to transport spies and terrorists."

"I am sorry, but we are no longer flying to Tehran and I do not know when the flights will resume," a Conviasa airline employee would have said, according to the US TV channel." The official who handles international departures for Conviasa was contacted by producers of Fox News who told her that they wanted to buy a ticket.

"It was a flight that left Caracas on Tuesdays, but it no longer does," the airline employee would have said. According to Fox, messages to the airline seeking further information went unanswered.

Venezuela's Embassy to the United States had defended the flights recently in response to criticism in a State Department that cited "the flight questionable route and procedures."


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