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FARC calls on Santos to start peace talks

Publicado en: - 7 de Febrero de 2011


Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos should "take advantage of the opportunity" and start peace talks with the FARC, the guerrilla group said in a press statement seen by Spanish press agency EFE Sunday.

"If he really is interested in seeking a solution other than war he should take advantage of the opportunity and start a dialogue that allows a political solution to this serious conflict," EFE quoted the FARC.

The press release was not published on the website of Anncol.

According to the Spanish news agency, the guerrilla group said that with the "unilateral release" of "five prisoners of war" -- expected later this week -- the guerrilla group "shows its willingness to seek a political solution to the conflict."

The guerrilla's message seems a response to a speech held by Santos on Friday in which he asked for "clear and strong evidence" of the FARC's intentions to make peace with the government, reiterating that "the door is not closed" for peace talks.


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