Organización Latinoamericana para la Defensa de la Democracia
Una organización asociada a CIEMPRE (Centro de Investigación y Estudio de Medios Periodísticos y redes Electrónicas)
Una ONG dedicada a la defensa de la libertad y las instituciones democráticas en América Latina.

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LADDO's monitor in Chiapas, Mexico, brutally attacked
LADDO's Monitor, Jacobo Elnecave Luttmann, was brutally attacked and is currently undergoing surgery in a Mexico City hospital.

24 de Junio de 2011


Jacobo Elnecavé Luttmann was beaten and sustained several injuries including a 5-inch gash on his cheek. He remains hospitalized in critical condition.

The attack took place inside “El Cabaret”, a local night club in Tuxtla, where several people hit him with hard objects over his head, face and right shoulder.

Jacobo claims that during the attack, the perpetrators repeatedly said: “this is for you to learn not to mess with the Álvarez Puga… this is for Isaín too, you will repent”. They also said it was a retaliation for his journalistic labor.

In the past, Jacobo Elnecavé Luttman reported issues with Isain Mandujano to the authorities who are investigating if these events are retaliations against the journalist or if it is somehow related to the former governor Salazar arrest.

After the attack. Jacobo Elnecavé Luttmann was taken to a medical center in Chiapas where he underwent emergency surgery. Subsequently, the Governor of Chiapas, Juan Sabines, ordered Elnecave to be transfered to an unnamed hospital in Mexico City due to security concerns and for better medical care.

Currently, Board Members are flying into Mexico to consider Mr. Elnecave's and his family's safety.

Authorities have opened an investigation for attempted murder, injuries and threats.

Isain Mandujano denies taking any part in this attack. Click here to read (in Spanish)

We wish Jacobo a quick recovery.


On June 7, LADDO reported Jacobo Elnecave was the subject of antisemitic attacks by phone, Twitter and e-mail. Click here to read (In Spanish)

The following day, we reported the arrest of Pablo Salazar, a former Chiapas governor, allegedly responsible -among other charges- of being the mastermind behind the threats towards Mr. Elnecave. Salazar was arrested on suspicion that he embezzled more than $9 million (about 100 million pesos) in federal disaster fund money meant to rebuild hurricane-struck zones in southern Mexico. (Ex-Mexican governor arrested in embezzlement case )

On June 13th police arrested Fabricio Sergio Villegas González, son-in-law of Carlos Cruz Coutiño, one of the government officers benefited with the embezzlement. Villegas pleaded guilty of being the material author of the threats via Twitter, but was freed because the crime was considered a misdemeanor.

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