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Israel prohibits Brazil to sell anti-drug aircrafts to Venezuela
The airplanes cannot be sold to Bolivia either.

6 de Julio de 2011


Brazil will start manufacturing unmanned aircrafts with the help from Israel, thus allowing the South American country to control drug trafficking on its border areas. However, the Brazilian authorities may not sell them neither to Bolivia nor to Venezuela, as instructed by the Israeli government.

Miki Bar, a representative of state-run company IAI, which manufactures the unmanned aerial vehicles Vants, said that Tel Aviv authorized the manufacturing and export of the aircrafts to Brazil, provided that they are not sold to its South American neighbors, Bolivian newspaper Página Siete reported.

The relations between the two South American countries and Israel have deteriorated. In the case of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez expelled Israel's Ambassador Shlomo Cohen in 2009, in solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Israel also expelled the head of the Venezuelan embassy. Therefore, the diplomatic relations between both countries have been broken since January 2009.
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