Organización Latinoamericana para la Defensa de la Democracia
Una organización asociada a CIEMPRE (Centro de Investigación y Estudio de Medios Periodísticos y redes Electrónicas)
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Uribe makes an appeal to prevent FARC from seeking refuge in Venezuela
Ãlvaro Uribe, the former Colombian president, highlighted France's cooperation with Spain in the fight against the Basque terrorist group ETA, and compared this policy with the cooperation between Colombia and Venezuela.

Publicado en: - 18 de Enero de 2012


Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, (2002-2010) asked authorities to prevent rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) from taking "refuge" in Venezuela, and follow instead the same path as ETA, the armed Basque separatist movement. Uribe expressed this opinion in a message posted on Twitter.

The former Colombian Head of State highlighted France's cooperation with Spain in the fight against the Basque terrorist group ETA, and compared this policy with the cooperation between Colombia and Venezuela to resist FARC rebels, AFP reported.

"FARC terrorists continue killing people... Hopefully, this situation will be acknowledged and steps may be taken to prevent them from seeking refuge in Venezuela, so that they follow ETA's path," Uribe commented.


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