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Kidnappers call to Costa Rican diplomat's home (Guillermo Cholele) to ask for ransom
The Costa Rican Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the kidnapping of Guillermo Cholele, its Commercial Attaché in Venezuela, is "very serious"

Publicado en: - 9 de Abril de 2012


The Costa Rican Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted on its website a statement that not only confirms the abduction of Guillermo Cholele, Costa Rica's Commercial Attaché in Venezuela, but also reports that the kidnappers made a telephone call to the diplomat's home seeking money for his release.

"A telephone call to the diplomat's home mentioned a ransom request. It added that he was in a good health condition," said the document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers that these events are very serious, and has begun coordinating with security authorities and officials from the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, in Caracas and in San José, to ensure the health and safety of the Costa Rican diplomat."


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