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Una organización asociada a CIEMPRE (Centro de Investigación y Estudio de Medios Periodísticos y redes Electrónicas)
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Mexican senate approves law to protect journalists and activists

Publicado en: - 26 de Abril de 2012


The Mexican senate unanimously passed a law on April 24 that requires the national government to protect journalists and human rights activists when they receive threats, the legislative chamber said.

“The senate approved the Law for Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists, which will allow the government to implement preventive measures to guarantee the life and security of those in these professions and who are in an at-risk situation,” the chamber added.

The security measures could include providing bulletproof vests, armor-plated vehicles and communication equipment to those in danger, as well as installing cameras, security locks and metal detectors in their residences.

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