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Claims of harassment of NGO advocates in Venezuela
Humberto Prado, the director of NGO Observatorio de Prisiones (Prisons Observatory) has also fallen prey to attacks and threats over the past few years

Por Juan Francisco Alonso

Publicado en: - 1 de Junio de 2012


A new case of harassment of human rights advocates has been recorded in Venezuela. On Wednesday, armed men robbed Hernán Antonio Bolívar, the husband of Marianela Sánchez Ortiz, the legal coordinator of the Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones (Venezuelan Prisons Observatory, OVP).

The criminals intercepted Bolívar when he was arriving in his place. There, he was forced to get into his car. The criminals threatened to retaliate against Bolívar and his children if his wife continued working with the NGO responsible for ensuring the rights of prisoners.

In a press release, the Forum for Life, a partnership of NGOs advocating constitutional rights and liberties, lashed out at the event and requested authorities to investigate and punish the individuals responsible for it. They also asked for assurances in order to protect the lives of all the members of the Observatory and other organizations.

Other members of the Venezuelan Prisons Observatory have also been the target of attacks and threats due to their continued complaints about the penitentiary system in Venezuela. This is particularly the case of the NGO director, Humberto Prado.
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