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Peace Dialogue Between FARC and Colombia have Begun

Publicado en: Ecuador Times - 20 de Noviembre de 2012


Today the Colombian government and FARC started their peace negotiation in La Habana, whose purpose is to put an end to the armed conflict of almost fifty-years.

Meanwhile the Colombian government has disposed a law to compensate the victims of the confrontation. This would be implemented and verified once all the subjects reach a definitive agreement. In the meeting it will be discussed an integral agricultural development plan, a subject that has a historical background and the rising of the armed group that demands that agricultural reform is made so that poor people can work in the land.

Additionally the rights and guarantees for the work of a political opposition in general and the new movements that arise after the signature of the peace process.

A subject that will be discussed is the possibility that several FARC chief’s, accused and condemned for crimes against humanity and serious violations of human rights go to prison. Ivan Marquez, chief of the FARC delegation, pointed out that the insurgent commanders will not go to prison.

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