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Colombia: new Commander promises "hand lasts" and the CRAF celebrates the military relief

Publicado en: Infolatam/EP - 10 de Noviembre de 2008


Montoya commander (Colombia) showing chains of the FARC

The new commander of the Colombian army, general Óscar González, assured yesterday that its commitment is to apply drastic sanctions to the military who incur crimes like forced disappearances or extrajudicial executions, denunciation that the position to the previous military commandant cost, Mario Montoya. The guerrilla of the CRAF celebrated Monday in an official notice the destitution of the 27 Colombian military.

"The public knowledge of these facts is a triumph of the democratic sectors and of the fighters by La Paz, social justice and the truth, because officially it is recognized that behind as much crime and ignominy against our town, which is hidden is the terrorism of the State", indicates the text. The official notice, sent by the "Secretaryship" - central control of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (the CRAF), was disclosed east Monday by Internet through Anncol agency, near that guerrilla.

The president of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, revealed in Mexico that the Government of his country paid 5,000 million weights (1.7 million euros) to the informant who provided the data of the location in Ecuador of the camping. In that exact location was the ' number dos' of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (the CRAF), Luis Édgar Devia, alias ' Raul Reyes'.

Uribe, that is of official visit in Mexico, assured that thanks to the information provided at their moment, managed to locate the place in which were the guerrillas of the CRAF in the Ecuadorian side, specifically, in the border locality of Sucumbíos (South of Ecuador).En this sense, the Colombian agent chief executive made a call to the Mexican authorities so that they adopt similar policies to fight the organized crime, that in these last weeks has summoned up the life of tens of people in several states of Mexico.

The scandal by the death of the young people - who had disappeared in the locality of Soacha, the outskirts of Bogota - the resignation of the commander of the Colombian Army caused, general Mario Montoya, one of the officials nearest president Alvaro Uribe, and of 27 of its men, including the three generals.

The case untied a scandal and was catalogued in the local press like a new episode in the series of false facts that it carries out the Army to show results in the leftist anti-guerrilla warfare. It is known like the scandal of the "false positives".

Thursday, the United States vetoed to three involved Colombian military bases in cases of disappearance of civilians.


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