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Kerry Urges Maduro to ‘End Terror Campaign' Against Venezuelan People

Publicado en: - 13 de Marzo de 2014


US Secretary of State John Kerry called on Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro Thursday to “end this terror campaign” against his own people.

In one of his strongest statements yet after more than a month of student and opposition protests against Maduro's government, Kerry said the international community needed to “focus on Venezuela appropriately.”

“We are engaged now with trying to find a way to get the Maduro government to engage with their citizens, to treat them respectfully, to end this terror campaign against his own people and to begin to hopefully respect human rights and the appropriate way of treating his people,” Kerry said.

His comments came a day after at least three more people were killed, raising the death toll in the mounting protests to at least 24.

On Thursday the country’s Attorney General said the number of dead stood at 28.

US Vice President Joe Biden met earlier this week with Latin American leaders in Santiago on the sidelines of the inauguration of President Michelle Bachelet in Chile.

Venezuela has vehemently refused outside mediation from the Organization of American States, but has welcomed an initiative by the Union of South American Nations to promote a political dialogue.

The country, however, remains deeply divided with opposition leaders and protest organizers refusing to meet Maduro until he releases all jailed opposition leaders and demonstrators.

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