Organización Latinoamericana para la Defensa de la Democracia
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Bolivia - Morales - Terrorism

Publicado en: - 21 de Abril de 2009


Bolivian President Evo Morales waves at the end of a press conference at the Quemado presidential palace in La Paz on April 21, 2009. Morales said that Ireland, Croatia and Hungary have no authority to request an international investigation into the shooting of three and the arrest of two other foreigners natives of their countries.

On April 16, a police raid in Santa Cruz broke up an alleged assassination plot against Morales, his Vice President Alvaro Garcia and Santa Cruz's opposition governor, Ruben Costas which resulted in the killing of Irish Michael Dwyer, Bolivian-Croat Eduardo Rosza Flores and Croat-Hungarian Arpad Magyarosi and the arrest --under charges of terrorism and assassination-- of Bolivian-Croat Mario Tadic and Hungarian Elod Toaso.


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