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Peres pushes for Brazil support against Iran

Publicado en: PressTV - 11 de Noviembre de 2009


Peres aims to push Brazil to support tougher measures against Iran.

As the Iranian president is scheduled to set out on a state visit to Brazil in two weeks, Israeli President Shimon Peres has urged Brasilia to use its growing clout to curb Iran's nuclear work.

"There needs to be a voice against destruction and against terror, a clear voice. I know that Brazil rejects threats, destruction, rejects terror, and the clear voice of Brazil has a strong echo in the entire world," Peres said in a speech to the Brazilian Congress on Tuesday.

He claimed Iran was a 'global danger' and called on the South American powerhouse to play a role in international efforts to rein in Iran's nuclear program.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to visit Brazil on November 23 to improve the cordial relations between Tehran and Brasilia, who share the same stance on peaceful nuclear activities.

"I don't want to argue about the president of Iran on Brazilian soil, but we think his policies are a global danger," Peres said.

"I cannot ignore that Iran makes weapons and wants to destroy Israel," he added.

Iran faces pressure to halt its nuclear enrichment, as world powers claim its program is aimed at building a nuclear bomb.

Along with world powers, Israel - the sole possessor of a nuclear warhead in the Middle East - accuses Iran of efforts to develop a nuclear bomb, maintaining that a 'nuclear Iran' is the prime existential threat to its security.

Tehran, however, has denied seeking nuclear weapons and called for the removal of all weapons of mass destruction from across the globe.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has defended Iran's right to a peaceful nuclear program and opposed imposing sanctions against the country.

In September, he urged the West to stop pushing Iran over its nuclear program and called for dialogue and engagement with Iran to foster peace.


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