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Attacks Against Minorities
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By: Robert Singer
July 18, 2014
On July 18, 1994, a hellish scene unfolded in Buenos Aires as a car bomb set by Iranian agents destroyed the AMIA/DAIA Jewish center, killing 85 people and wounding hundreds. Twenty years later, there is still no justice in the case - and a decision taken by the Argentine government is part of the problem. Last year, it signed a memorandum of understanding with the Iranian government that was supposed to establish a so-called truth commission to bring resolution to the case. In April, the...
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May 15, 2014
Incidents in 2014 Brazil January 14, 2014 - São Paulo - A swastika was found spray painted on the external wall of the Jewish Cultural Center. Mexico January 8, 2014 - Mexico City - A banner was found near the Mexican Senate that read “All of Peña Nieto’s public authorities are Jews,” “They steal millions,” “Go leave for Israel,” “Jewish murderers,” and “Bring Peña Nieto to Israel and all of the PRI-PAN...
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By: Alfredo Leuco
February 18, 2013
"Little Russsian brainless, we'll kill you and your daughters. Jewish son of a thousand whores, do not you realize you changed your hand? "The brutal threat received by Alberto Nisman, the prosecutor in the case by the AMIA bombing, caused shivers employees Court No. 9 headed Luis Rodriguez, where the complaint was filed. Not only by the text, but some pictures attached style Mexican narco cartels not worth describing to not be functional to the cowards who only seek to intimidate...
Read Complete Article| Disponible Tambi n en Espa ol | Viewed 1536 times | 0 Comments
February 7, 2013
The killing of protestors last October was a tragedy foretold by those who have long warned against Guatemala’s use of the armed forces to maintain domestic peace. , the latest report from the International Crisis Group, examines how using the army for law enforcement and to maintain public order in a country with extensive economic inequalities is especially perilous. The danger became tragically clear on 4 October 2012, when soldiers apparently opened fire on a march protesting high...
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By: Elena Bruzual
May 21, 2012
Andrés Spokoiny is a Jewish Argentinean, who lives today in Montreal, Canada, and who is president of the Federation Canadian Jewish Agency (Federation CJA). He has trained many leaders in Jewish communities and some year ago he wrote an excellent essay in which, describing an old miners custom,-and LADDO's main point of view- he explains the scam used by the so-called new left and by the most brutal anti-Semitism, disguised as progressive. This is an essay still relevant today. He...
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By: Julie Webb-Pullman
September 28, 2010
San Juan Copala, traditional centre of the indigenous Triqui people, lies in Oaxaca State, Mexico, and is one of the poorest and strife-torn areas in Mexico. In an attempt to break the cycle of poverty, inequality, exclusion, and persistent human rights violations, and to unite the Triqui people and preserve their culture and traditions - as well as to distance themselves from the rampant corruption and violence of local political parties - the community declared itself an autonomous...
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September 15, 2010
Latin America Specific Recommendations: As is the case with Native Americans in the United States, for the 40 million indigenous citizens of Mexico and Central and South America the possession of commonly held ancestral land goes beyond mere economic survival-although it also serves tens of millions for that purpose as well. The ability to govern themselves, to establish and maintain group rights and territorial control of lands that form part of their cultural inheritance, to empower...
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By: Gil Shefler
September 1, 2010
If someone were to rank the most embattled Jewish communities in the world today, the Jewish community of Venezuela would certainly be high on that list. Over the past decade the community has shrunk by half its size. “Ten years ago we had about 18,000 members,” said Salomon Cohen. “Now we have about 9,500.” Cohen, head of the Confederacion de Asociaciones Israelitas de Venezuela (CAIV), an umbrella group representing the South American country’s Jewish...
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August 13, 2010
In recent weeks, schools, synagogues and cemeteries in the Chilean cities of Santiago, Concepcion and Temuco have been vandalized and desecrated. While law enforcement has not yet determined who is behind the attacks, some say there are indications that the perpetrators are neo-Nazis. On Tuesday The American Jewish Committee called on Chilean President Pinera to step up his government's efforts to respond to the recent surge in assaults on the country's Jewish community. "The...
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By: Andrés Oppenheimer
July 29, 2010
There is a rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Latin America in the aftermath of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza -- and the most troublesome part of it is that it's often fueled by racist propaganda in state-sponsored media. Granted, there have long been isolated incidents of anti-Semitism in Latin America, much like in other parts of the world. But now, after Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez's self-proclaimed "strategic alliance" with Iran's openly anti-Jewish...
Read Complete Article| Disponible Tambi n en Espa ol | Viewed 8402 times | 0 Comments
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