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Amnesty International deplores "deep crisis" of human rights in Venezuela
The organization noted that the country is going through a high level of violence and pointed to widespread lack of control of weapons in the people's hands, as well as the government violent wording as part of the problem

Por Carolina Contreras

Publicado en: - 28 de Mayo de 2010


There is in the country "a deep crisis" in the field of human rights, Marcos Gómez, the director of Amnesty International of Venezuela, said.

In presenting its annual report, the organization highlighted that the country is going through a high level of violence, partly due to widespread lack of control of weapons in the people's hands and the government violent wording.

They also stressed "existing inability in the judiciary to administer justice," as well as the need of the Executive Office to lessen polarization and allow for power severability as part of the equity needed for a democracy.


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