Organización Latinoamericana para la Defensa de la Democracia
Una organización asociada a CIEMPRE (Centro de Investigación y Estudio de Medios Periodísticos y redes Electrónicas)
Una ONG dedicada a la defensa de la libertad y las instituciones democráticas en América Latina.

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US: Chávez's special ruling powers are anti-democratic
US Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo Valenzuela considers that the enabling law violates the OAS' Inter-American Democratic Charter.

Publicado en: - 6 de Enero de 2011


Extraordinary ruling powers granted to Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez by a lame duck National Assembly are "an anti-democratic measure" that violates the Inter-American Democratic Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS), said Arturo Valenzuela, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs.

United States is willing to have a "candid dialogue" with Venezuela. Therefore, Washington "regrets" that the Venezuelan government has withdrawn the agrément on US Ambassador-designate Larry Palmer, said the top US official in a speech on US policy towards Latin America in 2011, AFP reported.


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