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FARC-Venezuelan army ties are disclosed
Colombia s newspaper El Tiempo released that in 2003 "Timochenko" reported on "agreements" between the FARC and Venezuelan armed forces.

Publicado en: - 21 de Noviembre de 2011


Several Venezuelan military officials are among the "international contacts" of Rodrigo Londoño Echeverry aka "Timochenko," the newly appointed leader of guerrilla organization Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), according to a report released by Colombian newspaper El Tiempo.

The Colombian daily said in an article that in 2003 "Timochenko" reported on "agreements" between the FARC and the Venezuelan army to "provide information" on military operations, the return of rebels held in prison and "small favors," Efe reported.

The version on "Timochenko's contacts" first appeared in some e-mails recovered off the computer of Raúl Reyes, a former FARC commander who was killed by the Colombian army in March 2008.

According to El Tiempo, "in the context of new relations with Venezuela, the government presided by Juan Manuel Santos has chosen to deal with the case of the FARC prudently."


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