Organización Latinoamericana para la Defensa de la Democracia
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IACHR orders Venezuela to protect human rights advocate
Venezuelan authorities have systematically ignored precautionary measures granted by the international organization.

Por Juan Francisco Alonso

Publicado en: - 19 de Enero de 2012


Venezuelan authorities must adopt the "necessary measures" to protect the life and physical integrity of Rocío San Miguel, the head of NGO Control Ciudadano (Citizen's Oversight for Security, Defense and Armed Forces) and her daughter, as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) ordered the State of Venezuela to do so.

The commission, which is an independent branch of the Organization of American States (OAS), set a 15-day deadline to receive information about the implementation of the measures adopted to prevent San Miguel from being the target of further acts of harassment, as she has suffered in recent years.

In the past few years, the Executive Office has systematically ignored all precautionary measures ordered by the IACHR to protect the life of people who have complained about human rights abuses.


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