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Gay Man Brutally Beaten By Neo Nazis In Chile Dies, Chilean President Speaks Out

28 de Marzo de 2012


A gay Chilean man who was beaten, stabbed, burned, and branded with a Swastika by a gang of neo-Nazis has died.

Last month Daniel Zamudio, Zamudio was beaten with blunt objects before the Neo Nazi’s cut off part of his ear, carved swastikas into his abdomen and burned other parts of his body with cigarettes.

Daniel Zamudio, 24 years.

Zamudio’s mother told the newspaper that her son had gone to work at a store on Friday, but she did not know his whereabouts until he was found in a park the following day.

Zamudio has remained in the hospital the past month clinging to life and was pronounced dead last night by doctors.

The Chilean LGBT rights group MOVILH tweeted: “Daniel Zamudio died. Strength to your family. You will be remembered. Your passage was not in vain.”

Chile’s President Sebastian Pinera has spoken out and vows action:

The case has prompted a national debate in Chile over hate crimes, and his death prompted Chilean President Sebastian Pinera to say from Asia that his government won’t rest until a proposed anti-discrimination law is passed.
Four suspects are jailed, some with criminal records of attacks on gays. Prosecutors asked Wednesday for murder charges carrying life sentences.

President Pinera also tweeted from South Korea that the “brutal and cowardly attack of Daniel Zamudio wounds not only his family but all people of good will.”

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