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Abducted Mexican reporter's headless body turns up in Acapulco
Police blame crime on man who helped kill journalist Jorge Torres Palacios' father and brother.

Por Verónica Calderón

Publicado en: - 3 de Junio de 2014


In Mexico, where 32 journalists have been murdered in the last four years and hundreds more live under death threats, the real news would have been if Jorge Torres Palacios had turned up alive.

But this was not the case. Torres Palacios, a reporter and government worker for the city of Acapulco, was found dead on Monday after being kidnapped outside his home on Thursday evening.

His body was decapitated and dismembered and showed other signs of extreme violence, the local media reported.

Before working for the city, Torres Palacios had been a correspondent for the private network Televisa, for the newspaper Novedades and for a local television station.
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