Organización Latinoamericana para la Defensa de la Democracia
Una organización asociada a CIEMPRE (Centro de Investigación y Estudio de Medios Periodísticos y redes Electrónicas)
Una ONG dedicada a la defensa de la libertad y las instituciones democráticas en América Latina.

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Petition: No mas FARC - Open Letter to International Community

Publicado en: - 23 de Octubre de 2009


Open Letter to International Community:

The signers of this document want to let the world know that self-named Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) - FARC, in more than 40 years of terrorism:

  • Have killed tens of thousands of Colombian citizens.
  • Have off-trial executed hundreds of Colombian citizens.
  • Have kidnapped thousands of Colombian citizens.
  • Have attacked tens of towns in our country.
  • Have performed tens of terrorist attacks to civilian targets.
  • Have used high-power explosives to kill Colombian citizens in indiscriminate attacks.
  • Have dynamited our oil pipelines.
  • Have attacked national energy and roads infrastructure.
  • Have planted thousands of anti-personnel landmines in rural areas of our country.
  • Have used chemical substances such as ammonium nitrate to increase damage caused by it’s bombs.
  • Have recruited hundreds of children for combat.
  • Have attacked medical facilities, medical personnel and ambulances.
  • Have produced displacement of more than 2 million of Colombians.
  • Keep currently more than 700 kidnapped people, which they torture in Colombian forests.
  • Have destroyed more than 98.000 acres of forest to seed coca and produce cocaine.
  • Have trafficked hundreds of tons of cocaine.

Firmly and unanimously we want to express to the whole world that FARC does not represent any of us, nor our interests, nor our people.

We also want to express that we strongly condemn all their terrorist actions that along more than 40 years have been producing death and pain, while stopping the progress of the country we want for our families and children.

For the previously listed reasons we want the whole world to know:

We DON´T want more kidnappings.
We DON´T want more death.
We DON´T want more terrorism.
We DON´T want more FARC.



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