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Survivor of Colombian attack returning to Mexico

Por The Associated Press

Publicado en: AOL - 2 de Diciembre de 2008


MEXICO CITY - The family of a student who survived a Colombian military raid on a rebel camp says she is returning to Mexico.

Maria Alvarez says her niece Lucia Morett will return to Mexico on Wednesday.

Morett has been exiled in Nicaragua since Colombia's March 1 cross-border attack on the rebel camp in Ecuador.

She had feared prosecution in Mexico for having ties to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC.

The attack killed a top FARC commander and 24 others, including four Mexican university students.

Morett says she was at the camp only to learn about the FARC's peace proposals.

Mexico's attorney general has said authorities have found no evidence that Morett had ties to the FARC, but the investigation remains open.

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