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Wiesenthal Center Urges Ecuador's Foreign Ministry to Erase Antisemitic Graffiti at the Ministry

Publicado en: - 30 de Junio de 2009


The Simon Wiesenthal Center has written to Ecuador’s Foreign Minister, Fánder Falconi, urging him to order the clean up of antisemitic graffiti which deface the outside wall of the Ministry for the last two weeks. The graffiti read: “Israeli Embassy out of the Country”; “Genocidal Israel” with a Swastika; and “Star of David = Swastika”.

“Despite the time elapsed since the graffiti were painted, we believe that the security monitoring system of your Ministry should have a record of the perpetrators; and thus, we request you to launch an immediate investigation of those responsible for this act of racism”, stated Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

“We join our voice to those who have already requested that the graffiti be removed. The fact that they remain untouched for so long on a Governmental building is an insult to Ecuadorian society and encourages further such acts”, added Sergio Widder, the Center’s Director for Latin America.

Antisemitic graffiti at Ecuador Foreign Ministry in Quito.


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